Archie Battersbee’s Mom Blames Online Game For Her Son’s Death, Says It Has Killed 82 Other Children
The legacy she wants to leave for her son is to protect the kids left behind.
Archie Battersbee’s mom, Hollie Dance, has hit at social media giants after blaming the online blackout challenge as the cause of her son’s death and other eighty-two children. She demanded brands like TikTok and Facebook take action on dangerous challenges as the blackout trend had saw participants strangle themselves until they fainted.

The 46-Year-Old said, “sick people are grooming our children to do these challenges. And it’s disgusting.”

As per Mirror, Hollie said the people are often adults, not children demonstrating the challenges. She spoke of a video she found of a man around age 30 pulling something tight around his neck to check himself. She said police and Government need to hold accountable people who promote such dangerous stunts.

Hollie stressed that the legacy she wants to leave for her son is to protect the kids and the loved ones left behind.

In April, her son – Archie Battersbee, had been found in their Essex home with a ligature around his neck. He was rushed to the Royal London Hospital, but doctors declared the 12-Year-Old brainstem dead. Archie’s health condition resulted in a heated legal battle hinged on being on life support, but eventually, it was removed.

“Depriving disabled children of their right to life because of their disability is unacceptable,” Hollie had said in a letter to Health Secretary Steve Barclay.

Andrew Williams from the Christian Legal Center, who represented Archie’s family, had also said that a better system is required. However, Liberal Democrat digital spokesman Jamie Stone has said there’s a need for clear, strict laws to combat online harm, despite it being four years since the Government promised that.

Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sports spokeswoman also said: “The online safety bill will force tech firms to protect children from dangerous stunts. Failing firms will face huge fines or their sites blocked.”