Adorable Photos Show Four Generations Of The Royal Family Prepare Christmas Puddings For Veterans
Aw, what a cute boy!
The Royal Family got together this year with 6-year-old Prince George helping out in making Christmas puddings! He gets his wooden spoon and started stirring on the sticky mixture of the pudding, all the while without spilling anything on himself. What a clever boy!
With the help of his father William and grandfather Charles, he successfully finished his part. The Queen looked particularly pleased and happy with her boy in these pictures released by the Buckingham Palace.

After the puddings are mixed, each Royal member placed commemorative sixpences into the mixture.

The pictures were taken in the Music Room inside Buckingham Palace, one of the 19 State Rooms. The video of this event was also recorded right before the Duke of Edinburgh was rushed to the hospital. These clips will be used for the Christmas message this year.

Aside from aforementioned are Veterans Liam Young, Colin Hughes, Alex Cavaliere, Barbra Hurman and Lisa Evans who also posed for the picture.

There will be 99 puddings that are handed out as part of this year’s British Royal Legion campaign to help armed forces veterans combat loneliness. The number symbolizes the organization’s 99th year and the mixing session was led by Alex Cavaliere.