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About Us

Green Lemon is a world-leading web portal company that brings forth trending and viral news to your front page. As we reach millions of people at once, we strive to uphold our value of diversity and equality, employing writers and journalists of various background cultures and treating each of them as a precious member of the Green Lemon family.

Founded five years ago, our self-funded company has only proud members such as Margareth, Joseph, and Sammy Brown who share uplifting news to over 15 million people by those whose stories need to be heard. Of course, we also share what people need to know to keep up with what’s happening globally. From the latest shocking discovery of uncharted islands to celebrities on their most recent project, you will find all the news you need to stay on your toes for the day on Green Lemon.

If you have any stories that you want the world to know, contact us at One of our writers will get back to you as soon as possible!

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