Man Shares His Landlord Story After Getting A Check For $2,500 As A ‘Share’ From Selling The House
Sending the kind family so much love.
There are so many stories about evil landlords out there that most people nowadays start with low expectations when they have to deal with one. Chris Robarge once had to rent a space from a family and his experience was positive. But like most, the man who lives in Worcester in Massachusetts did not expect so much positivity from them.
Emotional: Chris penned a heartfelt piece on Facebook telling the story of his kind landlord.
Chris, who had nowhere to go, felt welcomed for the first time after his divorce at this family. And to his major surprise, the family gave back a sum of money to him after they sold the house.
“I wanted to return to you that portion of the rent you paid.”
The previous owner explains that this money is from the amount principal, split by who was living then, with a 40% increase based on home value increase. “While it’s not much, it’s yours! It was a great house and I’m glad that I was able to share it with you,” the letter ended.