42 Hilarious ‘Things In Squares’ Comics With Dark Humor
Everyone is equally ridiculous to be parodied.
What’s better to do than spending your free time with funny comics? The lockdown has restricted the activities we can enjoy, but thanks to it, many artists are spending way more time creating at home. And with that, more people are also heading towards the virtual world to find entertainment.
Entering with a ‘square comic’ theme and ridiculous plots and jokes is ‘Things in Squares.’ Is it dark humor? Is it just plain ridiculous? Well, those are the kind of themes Cale the creator explored in these comics. Sometimes they throw shades at ridiculous social norms, discrimination, and humanity in general.
More Info: Instagram | Patreon | Website


Currently, it’s possible to get even more out of the comics by supporting Cale on Patreon. His first goal would be to set up a shop to sell original merchandise of his own art. With currently 324k followers on Instagram that are steadily growing, we know that some of you will absolutely fall in love with his sense of humor.
More Info: Instagram






































