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30 Wholesome Posts That We Need So Bad Right Now

Good News

30 Wholesome Posts That We Need So Bad Right Now

Some good news to make us feel good.

The year 2021 was another real whirlwind of insanity and chaos. When we thought that the pandemic of a single virus was going to be peak dark moments of a new decade, it just continued to shock people even more. Hope in humanity, however, remains because these posts prove that people are capable of amazing things.

They are simple, small steps of the great things people achieve in life. The stories of how they fight in life, how they were saved by the simple things that others did prove the power of the butterfly effect that may be what you’re doing right now is helping someone else in ways you could never imagine.

Never stop doing good.

A cup of coffee.

30 Wholesome Posts That We Need So Bad Right Now

“This picture captures the face of a mother who saw her child, who she can’t hug, wash, dress, snuggle and touch freely lay on his new Service dog of his own free will, with a purposeful unspoken attachment.”

30 Wholesome Posts That We Need So Bad Right Now
4 Paws For Ability

“This is the face of a mom who has seen her son experience countless failed social interactions on the playground in an attempt to have a friend. Any friend. Any kind of connection. She has sat with her son while he has cried at night for months because he has no consistent connections outside of the family no matter how hard he tries and no matter what he works hard on in his Autism therapies. It doesn’t transfer to the natural occurring world for him. And now she is sitting behind her son silently watching this moment, with the air sucked from her lungs, and no words to say.

Holding her mouth and silently crying because she doesn’t want to distract him from the moment and break him away from a pure, honest, and truly fulfilling moment for her son – of his own free will. This is truly magic. Words cannot explain it.”

“I needed this.”

30 Wholesome Posts That We Need So Bad Right Now

“I’m a horse vet. This adorable little guy fell asleep on my feet while I talked to his people.”

30 Wholesome Posts That We Need So Bad Right Now

“Colorado man reunited with his donkey, Ennis, after fire swept through his town.”

30 Wholesome Posts That We Need So Bad Right Now

“‘If I have 6 children, I will get all six of them out.’ – Supermom Emma Schols saved all of her 6 kids out of their burning home. She survived with a 93% burn injuriy.”

30 Wholesome Posts That We Need So Bad Right Now

“Today is the day this little lady becomes my daughter. Happy adoption day!!!”

30 Wholesome Posts That We Need So Bad Right Now

“After not seeing my grandparents for months, they finally figured out how “to work FaceTime.” This was my grandpa’s face when he saw me.”

30 Wholesome Posts That We Need So Bad Right Now

“Went to the shelter to look at dogs, they didn’t have any there but once this lil girl saw me she started pawing at her cage. Now I have a new forever friend.”

30 Wholesome Posts That We Need So Bad Right Now

“My husband has been sober for 700 days!”

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“My daughter’s letter to her teacher.”

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A single switch in perspective.

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“My mom crochets and donated 31 blankets to sick children this year.”

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Good news confetti!

30 Wholesome Posts That We Need So Bad Right Now

“My cousin was fishing on the river this weekend and rescued this deer who was so tired he was starting to drown.”

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A celebration!

30 Wholesome Posts That We Need So Bad Right Now

“When you see a guy bottle feeding a kitten on the subway…”

30 Wholesome Posts That We Need So Bad Right Now
Gillian Rogers

The little things really do matter.

30 Wholesome Posts That We Need So Bad Right Now

“2020 ain’t all bad! I asked this handsome fellow on the right to marry me and he said yes!”

30 Wholesome Posts That We Need So Bad Right Now

“Hello, World! I’m 15 minutes old.”

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Mari Gavasheli

A boy with Crouzon’s Syndrome experiences an improvement in vision and breathing after receiving plastic correction.

30 Wholesome Posts That We Need So Bad Right Now

“Just finished my chemotherapy treatment and all that’s left is steroids and radiotherapy and then I’m cancer-free.”

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What an honor of a brother to have.

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“This strong dude, Ezra, survived a Cardiac arrest!”

30 Wholesome Posts That We Need So Bad Right Now

“Captain Suzy Garrett and her first-officer daughter, Donna, are the first mother-daughter pair in history to pilot a commercial Skywest Airlines flight together. Suzy was one of the first dozen female pilots hired at Skywest and has been flying there for over 30 years.”

30 Wholesome Posts That We Need So Bad Right Now

“I got my pup a matching chair so he would stop stealing mine. Needless to say, he’s very pleased.”

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All because of love.

30 Wholesome Posts That We Need So Bad Right Now

“In 2019, I got way too drunk at the office Christmas party & bet my coworker that I would spend 2020 getting fit. I kept my promise and won the bet. I am proud.”

30 Wholesome Posts That We Need So Bad Right Now

“My 93-year-old dementia Patient painted my cat, I have no cat but I’m starting to fall in love with this one.”

30 Wholesome Posts That We Need So Bad Right Now

“A Reddit stranger drove two hours and used his drone to recover Meadow, who was lost in the woods for 10 days.”

30 Wholesome Posts That We Need So Bad Right Now

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