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30 ‘Unwritten Rules’ People Shared To Make It Clearer That Life Is Complicated


30 ‘Unwritten Rules’ People Shared To Make It Clearer That Life Is Complicated

This list is all about life’s little silent rules.

The ways we’re supposed to behave when we’re with other people are regarded as “Unwritten Rules.” In families, these rules are things like ‘always defend your siblings,’ ‘don’t air our business with outsiders,’ and ‘don’t leave empty containers in the fridge,’ among others. With friends, the rules could include ‘don’t date each other’s exes.” 

There are indeed laws but then there are unwritten rules of life, the social cues and guidelines we’d all be better off following. Redditor u/shadow_2116 took it upon themselves to ask members of the r/AskReddit, ‘What are some unwritten life rules everyone must know? And instantly, responses emerged. We’ve compiled the top 30, have a look and learn. 

More info: Reddit | Reddit

30 ‘Unwritten Rules’ People Shared To Make It Clearer That Life Is Complicated


30 ‘Unwritten Rules’ People Shared To Make It Clearer That Life Is Complicated
Liza Summer

“Don’t ask for somebody else’s opinion and get mad when they tell it to you.”


“It never hurts to compliment somebody on the quality of their work, their hobbies and whatever field is most important to their self-esteem. It always goes a long way.”


30 ‘Unwritten Rules’ People Shared To Make It Clearer That Life Is Complicated
cottonbro studio

“You are the person you spend the most time with. Be someone you like.”


“If a child waves, you wave back. If a child says hello, you say hello back. If a child calls you on an imaginary hand-telephone, you take the call on your imaginary hand-telephone.”


30 ‘Unwritten Rules’ People Shared To Make It Clearer That Life Is Complicated

“When driving a car, don’t be nice, be predictable. People being nice leads to a s**tload of accidents.”


30 ‘Unwritten Rules’ People Shared To Make It Clearer That Life Is Complicated
LongliveLazarus,ZARA HAMDANE

“Don’t propose at someone else’s wedding.”


“The quicker you accept that life isn’t fair, the better.”


30 ‘Unwritten Rules’ People Shared To Make It Clearer That Life Is Complicated
frogbiscuit,George Milton

“Social media isn’t reality.”


30 ‘Unwritten Rules’ People Shared To Make It Clearer That Life Is Complicated
whattheheckisdecaf,Good Faces Agency

“Do not swipe left or right if someone shows you a photo on their phone.”


30 ‘Unwritten Rules’ People Shared To Make It Clearer That Life Is Complicated
Andrea Piacquadio

“Be kind to people that are working. Food staff, medical staff, etc. Don’t take your bad day out on someone else.”


“Don’t mess up an apology with an excuse.”


30 ‘Unwritten Rules’ People Shared To Make It Clearer That Life Is Complicated

“If you saw someone stealing formula, diapers or food, no you didn’t.”


30 ‘Unwritten Rules’ People Shared To Make It Clearer That Life Is Complicated
Aleksey Kuprikov

“Turn on your headlights when it’s snowing. I’m talking to you a**hole with the white truck.”


“That nothing will come from making someone feel horrible about themselves.”


30 ‘Unwritten Rules’ People Shared To Make It Clearer That Life Is Complicated

“Before you enter and elevator, LET OTHER PEOPLE OUT FIRST GODDAMNIT!”


“That just because someone is family, doesn’t mean they’re a good person.”


30 ‘Unwritten Rules’ People Shared To Make It Clearer That Life Is Complicated
-lighght-,Kindel Media

“Your mental health isn’t your fault, but it is your responsibility.”


“If they will cheat *with* you, then they will cheat *on* you.”


30 ‘Unwritten Rules’ People Shared To Make It Clearer That Life Is Complicated
Lo-Fi_Kuzco,Polina Zimmerman

“There is absolutely no shame in going to therapy or talking to someone about your mental health.”


30 ‘Unwritten Rules’ People Shared To Make It Clearer That Life Is Complicated
Kampus Production

“Don’t put your music on speakers when in a public space. It’s not like everyone wants the same genre or was in the mood for music. Get your headphones.”


30 ‘Unwritten Rules’ People Shared To Make It Clearer That Life Is Complicated
ArthurMcSlothington,Jonathon Burton

“Never make fun of someone else’s laugh, be it how they sound or how they look. Laughing is the most natural expression of joy and happiness and for someone to feel self-conscious about that because of other’s comments is so brutal.”


“Under promise and over deliver. People will think you are a genius.”


30 ‘Unwritten Rules’ People Shared To Make It Clearer That Life Is Complicated
Christian Naccarato

“Don’t leave your shopping cart in the middle of the grocery aisle!”


30 ‘Unwritten Rules’ People Shared To Make It Clearer That Life Is Complicated
psyclopsus,Antoni Shkraba

“Not everybody is your friend, be careful who you vent to. Many people only want juicy gossip and don’t give a s**t about you or your problems.”


“I live by this rule I made after thinking about things late at night. If someone does something that makes them happy and confident. If it doesn’t hurt them or anyone else, animals included. Then leave them alone, let them do that thing. Let them be happy.”


30 ‘Unwritten Rules’ People Shared To Make It Clearer That Life Is Complicated

“If you’re borrowing it for a third time, you need one of your own.”


30 ‘Unwritten Rules’ People Shared To Make It Clearer That Life Is Complicated

“Don’t have strong opinions about something you know nothing about.”


“Horrible people won’t always be punished for hurting others and it sucks.”


30 ‘Unwritten Rules’ People Shared To Make It Clearer That Life Is Complicated

“You must say “oooo big stretch” when a dog starts stretching. It’s the law.”


30 ‘Unwritten Rules’ People Shared To Make It Clearer That Life Is Complicated
Idkwhattocallblub,Sora Shimazaki

“If someone asks for a tampon/pad and you have one to give, you give it to them. Even to a stranger.”

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