30 Times People Used The Wrong Greeting Cards And Hilariously ‘Fixed’ Them
They improvised, adapted and overcame.
We’ve all made mistakes and many of them are unintentional. Using greeting cards is a great way to express your love without having to appear in person and telling them words that you might feel embarrassed if said. But being so focused on what you want to say, you might have been writing on an entirely wrong greeting card.
While they may seem rude to the other person, these cards actually look really hilarious considering the sender meant no harm. Green Lemon found the funniest ‘fixing’ people have done on their cards and we hope these make your day a bit better!
1. Boyfriend isn’t the romantic type, but he managed. Barely. Nice job, Bob.

2. Aaaaay! Sorry you got stabbed. *thumbs up*

3. Surprisingly, the poem fits the engagement theme.

4. Really, though, is your cake on fire?

5. So, dad wanted to give a Valentine’s Day card to mom, but it’s gay.

6. This person improvise, adapt and overcome with a sharpie and baby card to make a birthday card for friend.

7. Wishing you the best brain surgery ever.

8. Wildly incorrect age, barbie and most importantly, for dad.

9. Got a congratulations card for PhD by sister.

10. Nearly 30-year-old, hairy man tries to thank mom. The shop was running out of cards.

11. Another improvisation on making a birthday card for Chris.

12. Card for a friend who’s having her Deviated Septum (mistakenly called it deviated scrotum).

13. Fillial child improvises by using this card as mom found out dad has been cheating.

14. Wife told husband to buy a baby shower gift bag. Wife regrets.

15. Fiancé has parents with great sense of humor.

16. A birthday card that is full of mistakes.

17. So, this married couple agreed to get greeting cards only from the dollar store. Husband got creative for her 30th birthday.

18. Pickle forgot it was Valentine’s Day. Wrote a heartfelt and hilarious messages while blaming it all on the giraffe.

19. Secret Santa messed up on his gift voucher. Improvisation seems to be working.

20. Just the right holiday card with a few fixing.

21. When you want to let your friend know you wish him best for his first year at college.

22. Mom loves 101 Dalmations, so the choices were really narrow.

23. Give in to your animal instincts. Happy Valentine’s Day. Stack of random cards from Goodwill at $0.69 turns up none to be Valentine’s related.

24. This person trying to congratulate someone on their birthday and strictly making it for birthday purposes only.

25. Husband couldn’t find a birthday card for wife’s who’s turning 30. Close enough.

26. Dad’s birthday card for kid.

27. Easter can be emotional, so you’ll need a lot of be- I mean eggs.

28. When you have to recycle your cards for your friend’s birthday.

29. Because we don’t have enough Christmas-equally-lovely Father’s Day cards:

30. Congratulating roommate on his engagement with a little more of effort on making it personal.