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30 Savage Comebacks That Cancel Sexist People And Their Comments


30 Savage Comebacks That Cancel Sexist People And Their Comments

These sexist people don’t deserve platforms.

Women and men fought for a very long time to bring both genders to their position right now. But here is not enough. Even at this position, we’re still hearing many incidents incited by the misogyny of people that put men on a pedestal and women in aprons. However, we are not failing at all.

Let’s cheer on every single event where women win the rights they deserve. Humanity cannot exist without men or women – no gender is more superior than the other. Societal norms shouldn’t put women in cages and allow men to hold the keys to those cages. That’s why these people who remind others of toxic patriarchy really deserve claps and appreciation.

“She’s not wrong.”

30 Savage Comebacks That Cancel Sexist People And Their Comments

“Personally… marriage means nothing to me.”

30 Savage Comebacks That Cancel Sexist People And Their Comments

Imagine using your gender as an excuse of being a jerk.

30 Savage Comebacks That Cancel Sexist People And Their Comments

“I’ve never heard this explained so succinctly.”

30 Savage Comebacks That Cancel Sexist People And Their Comments

“Bennyboy gets rekt with facts and logic.”

30 Savage Comebacks That Cancel Sexist People And Their Comments

“A common denominator.”

30 Savage Comebacks That Cancel Sexist People And Their Comments


30 Savage Comebacks That Cancel Sexist People And Their Comments

“Your unsolicited advice doesn’t matter to anyone, my dude.”

30 Savage Comebacks That Cancel Sexist People And Their Comments

“It’s called consent.”

30 Savage Comebacks That Cancel Sexist People And Their Comments

And they collectively gasped at women gaining autonomy over their own bodies.

30 Savage Comebacks That Cancel Sexist People And Their Comments

They couldn’t have just made it less about the weaker gender.

30 Savage Comebacks That Cancel Sexist People And Their Comments

Stop degenerating people, please?

30 Savage Comebacks That Cancel Sexist People And Their Comments

“Happy 87th birthday to the legendary RBG.”

30 Savage Comebacks That Cancel Sexist People And Their Comments

“This is allyship.”

30 Savage Comebacks That Cancel Sexist People And Their Comments

Try this: don’t jump on women!

30 Savage Comebacks That Cancel Sexist People And Their Comments


30 Savage Comebacks That Cancel Sexist People And Their Comments

Can’t help it, that’s what they said.

30 Savage Comebacks That Cancel Sexist People And Their Comments

The Bible said to treat your women like you would towards yourself.

30 Savage Comebacks That Cancel Sexist People And Their Comments

Not worth it at all.

30 Savage Comebacks That Cancel Sexist People And Their Comments

Both raising income with similar method, but one is shunned while the other went viral.

30 Savage Comebacks That Cancel Sexist People And Their Comments

Let women cut their hair or not, please?

30 Savage Comebacks That Cancel Sexist People And Their Comments

Louder for the people in the back!

30 Savage Comebacks That Cancel Sexist People And Their Comments

Then what about women who can’t have kids?

30 Savage Comebacks That Cancel Sexist People And Their Comments

“Some words from Maisie Williams.”

30 Savage Comebacks That Cancel Sexist People And Their Comments

If it did, perhaps we wouldn’t be in this situation to begin with.

30 Savage Comebacks That Cancel Sexist People And Their Comments

“A woman’s place is one of servitude.”

30 Savage Comebacks That Cancel Sexist People And Their Comments

“Perfect response.”

30 Savage Comebacks That Cancel Sexist People And Their Comments

Why is their marriage status that important?

30 Savage Comebacks That Cancel Sexist People And Their Comments

“The link between guns, police, and violence against women in America.”

30 Savage Comebacks That Cancel Sexist People And Their Comments


30 Savage Comebacks That Cancel Sexist People And Their Comments

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