30 Pics Taken Before People’s Death That Remind How Precious Time With Our Loved Ones Is
In the wake of their deaths, these pictures serve as beautiful consolations.
There is no point in being paranoid about not spending enough time with your loved ones. Death is always untimely, no matter how much people try to ‘prepare’ themselves for it. What’s really important is making sure that you are making every moment count without regret.
Pictures of people on their death beds can be depressing for some of you, so we’d like to kindly remind you to get a hug if you feel too sad right now. Or watch as people around the world share some wholesome moments here.
These pictures contain unmeasurable sadness, but at the same time, they are also pictures of everlasting love, happy smiles, and proud last moments of people who remained alive in the hearts of many.
“The final picture of my cousin Gary – taken on September 11, 2001.”

“My good friend Bear telling his son and daughter goodbye. He died the next evening from pancreatic cancer.”

“Shortly after my mother passed away I decided to look up her house on Google Earth. That’s her. Still gives me chills.”

“My dad passed away yesterday, just last week he was in China traveling and met a panda. Although this is one of the last photos of him, It is my favorite.”

“The last pictures I ever took of my amazing mom. For her 60th birthday I surprised her with a chessboard cake, which she loved. A couple months later, she suddenly went into a coma on Christmas and never woke up.”

“My grandfather just passed minutes ago. This was taken yesterday, my grandma sat by his side like this for days. He escaped the Nazis, jumped a ship to the US. He suffered lung cancer from working in coal Mines through his childhood.”

“Last photo taken of my older brother as he was leaving for college. He was the victim of a drinking and driving incident. I miss him everyday.”

“After 69 years of marriage, my grandpa was extremely attentive to my grandma up until her last breath. We lay her to rest on Monday at 95 amazing years old.”

“I feel weird sharing this but I’m just so heart broken. My little brother (17) was shot a few weeks ago and this is the last pic I took with him. This was Christmas morning.”

“February 3rd 2016, my dad passed away from a brain tumour. This photo was taken the day I went back to University. He died 3 days later. It was the last time I saw him.”

The last picture of Thai diver Saman Kuman before he lost consciousness while carrying oxygen tanks due to difficulties in the passageway.

“A picture of David Kirby on his death bed captured by a journalism student Therese Frare in November 1990. It changed the face of the HIV/AIDS epidemic.”

“My beautiful mom before she rapidly deteriorated from a giloblastoma. She walked into brain surgery with a smile on her face and inspires me to always keep smiling even through hard times.”

Taken on December 22, a breast cancer patient got to marry the love of her life 18 hours before passing away.

“My brother (left) took his life earlier this month. This is the last photo of us together, perfectly describing the relationship we had.”

“My best friend in my limo at my wedding. I’m sure you can find out which one he was. He never said a word about feeling weird and just kept asking how much longer till we got to the reception.”

“This was taken 2 days ago after my wedding as we rode to the reception. Right after we arrived he got an Uber and rode home only to have life flight come take him to the hospital. We had no idea he left cause we had 350 people at our wedding. By the time our reception was over and we found out what happened he was considered brain dead. He had a random brain bleed that could not be operated. He was a best friend to me and an usher in my wedding. I’m spending my honeymoon in Mexico mourning knowing they are pulling the plug tomorrow.”
A picture of a windmill that caught on fire and killed two engineers that were working on it.

“My Grandma, 96, with my Grandpa, 100, hours before her death this weekend. 77 years of marriage.”

“I made the last photo I took of my mom into a tattoo.”

“Last picture of my husband hugging our oldest daughter, days before he died of cardiac arrest during a seizure. I’ll miss him more than I can ever explain.”

“A week before my grandfather passed away, I snuck his favorite beer into the nursing home for him. It was his last beer ever.”

“My dad in home hospice care last week with his cat Brady. Lost his fight Thursday afternoon. You were a great man and father, dad.”

“Image shows accidental mortar explosion in Afghanistan that killed Hilda Clayton and four Afghan national army soldiers.”

“This is the last picture I took of my husband when I dropped him off at the airport. 4 days later he was found dead in his hotel room.”

“A Father’s Love. He passed away 5 days later.”

“Last photo of my grandfather, he passed away a couple days ago. The doctor was a falconer and brought his falcon to the hospital.”

“Last pictures I found recently of my dad on his old tablet. Thankfully, they’re all pictures of him being the goofy guy he was when he was alive.”

“My grandma shows off with his preparations for her guests. Exactly 9 minutes before we call ambulance. RIP.”

“My dad lost his 14 month battle with stage 4 pancreatic cancer today. He was my best man in my wedding, one of my best friends and an amazing grandfather to my kids. This is the last pic I have of him and I, taken on Christmas Day this year.”

“The last image of my best friend Tara (24) and her sister Pippa (21), taken at the end of a 3-month trip around Morocco. They both died a day later, in a car accident, as they started their journey back home to the UK for their mum’s birthday.”