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30 Pareidolia Moments That Gave People The Creeps


30 Pareidolia Moments That Gave People The Creeps

The faces, the shapes, the… ghosts?

It’s cool to see pareidolia take form before us without being staged. Our brain loves to find familiar shapes, and that is why it’s common to ‘see things.’ No, we’re not talking about the visions of a sixth sense. Pareidolia is when your brain associates something you see with a shape that you are familiar with.

For example, when three holes are arranged in a way, you might see a face on fruits or other surfaces. Taking pictures from a certain angle can also produce this effect and even cause uproars from time to time.

You see things – but that’s not bad by any stretch. It just means your brain is trying to figure out the visual cues sent to the brain to help you familiarize yourself with a sight. Although it ends up giving you the creeps, pareidolia is just one among many phenomena that continue to impress scientists.

“Cat formed by cracks above my light switch.”

30 Pareidolia Moments That Gave People The Creeps

“I found a mushroom that looks like a little owl.”

30 Pareidolia Moments That Gave People The Creeps

Is that really a good news?

30 Pareidolia Moments That Gave People The Creeps

“My coffee art today is a cat letting off an atomic bomb.”

30 Pareidolia Moments That Gave People The Creeps

“There’s a Sid on my sister’s floor.”

30 Pareidolia Moments That Gave People The Creeps

Time to get a hold of yourself.

30 Pareidolia Moments That Gave People The Creeps

“The way my ice pack is defrosting looks like a polar bear.”

30 Pareidolia Moments That Gave People The Creeps

“This rock that looks like a severed head.”

30 Pareidolia Moments That Gave People The Creeps

“The pattern on my dogs chest looks like a cat mid sneeze.”

30 Pareidolia Moments That Gave People The Creeps

“Best eggplant ever.”

30 Pareidolia Moments That Gave People The Creeps

“This Jalapeño looks like a T-Rex.”

30 Pareidolia Moments That Gave People The Creeps

“Donald Trump found in a dog’s ear.”

30 Pareidolia Moments That Gave People The Creeps

“My brain MRI looks like the Grinch.”

30 Pareidolia Moments That Gave People The Creeps

“The steam from this coffee looks like a triumphant ghost.”

30 Pareidolia Moments That Gave People The Creeps

“The piece of paper that is frozen to the back of my fridge looks like a wiener dog.”

30 Pareidolia Moments That Gave People The Creeps

“My potato looks like it’s trying to escape itself.”

30 Pareidolia Moments That Gave People The Creeps

“This blob of hand cream I squeezed on my hand looks like a kitten.”

30 Pareidolia Moments That Gave People The Creeps

“Sometimes Mother Nature can be creepy. (Chesaning, MI)”

30 Pareidolia Moments That Gave People The Creeps
Jennifer Yanik Hall

“Sun’s reflection on my drinking glass creates Bart Simpson’s skull.”

30 Pareidolia Moments That Gave People The Creeps

“Whilst walking into a kitchen I saw this guy.”

30 Pareidolia Moments That Gave People The Creeps

Where’d the man go?

30 Pareidolia Moments That Gave People The Creeps

“After my 17th near-heart-attack, I realized- I really need to move my lamp.”

30 Pareidolia Moments That Gave People The Creeps

This laughing gourd.

30 Pareidolia Moments That Gave People The Creeps

Ms. Piggy having her hair day.

30 Pareidolia Moments That Gave People The Creeps

“Accidentally created a porcupine by pouring instant coffee over an Americano.”

30 Pareidolia Moments That Gave People The Creeps

“I thought this gourd looked like a snail.”

30 Pareidolia Moments That Gave People The Creeps

“I have this trunk knot on a tree in my backyard that I always thought looked like a regency era couple kissing. Today, I decided to bring them to life.”

30 Pareidolia Moments That Gave People The Creeps

“This tree looks like ‘Swamp Thing.'”

30 Pareidolia Moments That Gave People The Creeps

“Turtle with a reflection that resembles a face of a man.”

30 Pareidolia Moments That Gave People The Creeps

“Woke up and discovered my wife moved our coat stand yesterday.”

30 Pareidolia Moments That Gave People The Creeps

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