30 Honest Comics About A Girl Born In The Internet Era
Hilarious comics every girl will certainly relate to!
Hi there,
Several years back, I had longed and wanted to create my own world, where every girl on planet earth would be on the same page. In this imaginary universe, every girl can laugh freely or perhaps laugh out loud all day and scream: ‘The Best Universe Ever.’
But realizing that creating a whole new world is just one among the many fantasies kids have while growing up, I have decided to tell the world a story about a 20-year-old beautiful girl born in the internet era via my comics.
In my comics, you’ll be meeting Hanna. She faces dwindling life situations and her response to them is just the same as the way you would have tackled them. Yes, Hanna goes crazy, feels sober, laughs and many at times hide under her blankets. Being a friend to Moona Mars and Mommy, Hanna is recognized as a unique girl who knows how to stay calm and patient.
Importantly, Hanna loves to interact with her online followers, making her blog, her long-dreamed universe.
More info: Instagram




























