30 Hilarious ‘Game Logic’ Comic With Dark Humor
Hilarious, dark, and game-related.
One of the best entertainment to get during this lockdown is gaming and scrolling through Instagram. Having gamed so much, these comics drawn by Arcade Rage will probably send you laughing because of how much truth they sound. Gaming logic: you can’t die being shot in the head, but you have to pay for in-game taxi fare and traveling expenses.
On top of gaming, there are also a bunch of pop culture references and just ridiculously original ideas by Arcade Rage. What’s life without a little bit of it, right? People used to think that the Black Plague was horrible, and we won’t ever live to see it again. Well, 2020 says, “You wished.”
More info: Instagram
“Business idea – charge players per miles traveled in-game.”

“Canned meat”

“Surveillance fan”

“Half-Life: Quarantine”

Arcade Rage’s creator, Mart Virkus, likes keeping his comics and stories short, and they’re not always almost about trashy game memes. Aside from trending themes and pop culture, his comics also contain important messages about mental health and environmental issues. But it’s easy to see that Virkus’ purpose of making comics is to make people laugh together with him.
“Requiem for a ninja turtle.”

“Everybody gangsta til the dentist show up.”

“I’m just watching your back (with a knife).”


“Nuclear meltdown”

“Always blow on it!”

“Everybody: 2020 is the worst year.”

“Stairway To Hell”

“Modern Warfare”

“If 2020 was a person…”

“If Russian and Asian moms worked together we would have world peace.”

“This is the only truth – all other truths are wrong.”

Virkus has been making and posting comics on his social since September 22, 2016. He’s always sticking to keeping them short and concise, delivering the punch in as short as 2 panels. The Estonia-based illustrator calls his comics dumb jokes meant for smart viewers.
“Hey, Satan – it’s me.”

“The Life of Pavel”


“Revenge is a dish best served cold.”

“There’s a new carpenter in town.”

“Christmas by EA”

“CIV 6 players be like:”

“Till death do us part.”

“It’ll be fun they said…”

“Can I speak to your Overseer?”

“Completely normal phenomenon”

If there’s the best time to make fun of game and TV show logic, this quarantine would be the perfect timing. Arcade Comics isn’t just about games, though – Virkus added that it’s also about darkness. Virkus allows his dark humor to roam free in his stories, and it is one way to be honest to oneself, according to the illustrator.
“The Hard Knight”


“You have to sing it.”