30 Hilarious Comics With Unexpected Plot Twist By ‘Toonhole Chris’
By “Tony Hawk look alike.”
Toonhole Chris started his dream as an artist more than a decade ago. Together with three other friends, they started uploading comics to the internet to share with others. Today, Toonhole Chris is a comic artist who works at DreamWorks Feature Animation.
“I’d really like to concentrate more of my time on making comics and videos for the internet,” Chris shared about his dream. “I could shift my time away from studio jobs and freelance to pay my bills and work on entertaining you (and the rest of the lovely internet) with 3-panel comics and animated cartoons.”
But that’s not all the artist wants to do! After comics and animations, Chris also wants to branch out into live-action films. “Those take other people to hold cameras and act out scenes,” he added.