30 Hilarious Comics With Unexpected Dark Twists
Funny comics for people who love dark humor.
WebComics by Skeleton Claw uses irony and witty humor to dive into serious topics like sexuality, science fiction, war, violence, and generally the unfulfilled human desires.
More info: Instagram




Featuring such characters as sassy robots, woeful skeletons, and highly-skilled dogs; the comics often begin innocently but take a clever and twisted turn. Dark humor unveils itself at the end of each piece leaving the viewer as twisted as the artist probably felt illustrating and writing each story.





A little bit of laughter and a dose of shock are present in each story but some will definitely leave you gasping and asking: “Did he really just go there?”
These comics are humorous, sarcastic, and pretty much genius. We’re pretty sure there is something that each individual can relate to.


















