30 Hilarious Comics Only People With A Dark Sense Of Humor Will Appreciate
You’d have a great time going through these pieces.
Sitting in the office trying to pass out time or perhaps coming home after a long day doing the adult activities, life can be so tiring sometimes that from time to time we often crave a little escape from the craziness of daily routines.
What better way to momentarily escape reality than indulging in a few heart-filling comics. webcomic artist, creates hilarious comics but with a wicked twist. In fact, these types of Comics are not for the faint-hearted and so they can only be appreciated by those with a dark sense of humor.
Check out some of the pieces we fished from his Instagram account. If you are the kind to take things lightly, you’d have a great time going through these pieces.
More info: Instagram | Patreon




























