27 People Who Had Really Bad Taste, But Great Executions On These Ideas
Jokes aside, these can look really cool to some people.
These ideas are so awful and pretty sure if they asked someone about it before going with it, people will try to stop them. Not going to lie on the quality and looks of these because they look very well-done. But first, you need to come with something that people will actually like to see.
But if these are what their clients want, honestly we don’t have a choice. That just means these clients have the most unusual taste in things.
Really want to get this neat.

This expertly bound $3200 Bible from 1848… bound in hairy human skin.

Adult knit onesie.

Me: I’m having issues projecting my voice. Barber: Say no more.

A good way to make sure nobody steals your luggage.

Flexing on the haters.

Painting in the art commons commemorating my college’s bathroom.

Had to do a double-take and those wheels spin as well!

If Scorpion King had a throne.

Staff kitchen looking like a backyard.

Campbell’s Tomato Soup shoes.

It’s cute, but also so scary.

When you want to shade on Van Gogh.

Great skills, horrifying look.

McD’s gloves.

Big fans of hippos?

Car painted with duct tape.

This thing is well-made… but catfish?

Dog slippers that look exactly like dogs.

Handbag to scare people.

All hail Minion the Destroyer.

His cake on her cake. Wedding’s day.

Grasshopper locomotives stacked on each other in South Korea is a diner.


This car that was entirely colored with highlighters.

Pimping car like an Amish.

When you use beads to make a hair portrait.