27 Hilarious Students Who Were Bored And Vandalized Their Textbooks
Bored students are creative students.
Most of us have been bored in a classroom before and just had the urge to draw something in our textbook. Now, it’s not that we don’t appreciate the people behind thee books nor are we mocking people who had historical significance. But our creative minds just couldn’t be stopped when we were teenagers with a streak of rebelliousness.
But have to admit that these drawings and ideas are much better than what I did.
Oh yes! One beautiful fish!

The kind of vandalism we are okay with.


Sound effect: Woosh.

Ah, that explains it.

Someone was bored during math.

I really love the sme-

Taking a selfie.

They don’t see what I’m doing, hehe.

Please try hurling it!

The Ring out of your book.

The various expressions of triangle man.

Hair, no!

The element of surprise.

Sis got bored when reading her textbook.

Patrick in a Calculus book.

Dialogue reads: “Kya~”

Gem in a textbook.

What if Wang was reincarnated…

A gem.

Confused Nobita.

Neadertallica, rocking since a million years ago.

Some wise men of the past.

This textbook drawing ft. student.

Got math book with this drawing.

He draws in rented textbook.

Inside an old English book at school.