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23 Insanely Rare Things People Found And Shared Instantly


23 Insanely Rare Things People Found And Shared Instantly

Such rare sights to behold!

What is the rarest thing you’ve seen in life? These people had the rare chance of being able to see rare phenomenons and rarely seen creatures in person. Just like anyone else, they quickly took pictures of them and just had to share it!

Everyone loves being told about something they’ve never seen before, which one of these piqued your interest the most?

A black shirt of mine that got a solar tie-dye job after years of being crammed in the back of my car.

23 Insanely Rare Things People Found And Shared Instantly

a customer used a 37-year-old Crisco coupon today

23 Insanely Rare Things People Found And Shared Instantly

Saw an old 1948 Hotpoint refrigerator today that is still completely functional.

23 Insanely Rare Things People Found And Shared Instantly

This tree in my neighborhood that has 1 branch of an apple tree and the rest is a normal tree.

23 Insanely Rare Things People Found And Shared Instantly

Got this 111-year-old penny as a change at Walmart.

23 Insanely Rare Things People Found And Shared Instantly

This car’s reflection in the window that lines up with the car behind the building.

23 Insanely Rare Things People Found And Shared Instantly

These bananas are so suspiciously smooth.

23 Insanely Rare Things People Found And Shared Instantly

This one had a triplet!

23 Insanely Rare Things People Found And Shared Instantly

Smallest frog I’ve ever seen pooped on me.

23 Insanely Rare Things People Found And Shared Instantly

The reflection of this glass looks like the skull of Bart Simpson.

23 Insanely Rare Things People Found And Shared Instantly

Found my decade old Play-Doh starting to grow crystals.

23 Insanely Rare Things People Found And Shared Instantly

I got a picture of a dead star and its mass being ejected as gas.

23 Insanely Rare Things People Found And Shared Instantly

Trees growing on a tree.

23 Insanely Rare Things People Found And Shared Instantly

An army of baby grasshoppers friend’s garden.

23 Insanely Rare Things People Found And Shared Instantly

A beautiful copper tree.

23 Insanely Rare Things People Found And Shared Instantly

Eating pattern of a catterpilar.

23 Insanely Rare Things People Found And Shared Instantly

Actual reflection of the sun on freshly paved tarmac that creates rainbow.

23 Insanely Rare Things People Found And Shared Instantly

My candle’s wick looks like a mushroom.

23 Insanely Rare Things People Found And Shared Instantly

Pulled up my carpet and found a 1917 penny.

23 Insanely Rare Things People Found And Shared Instantly

I gave my cat human feet with my reflection.

23 Insanely Rare Things People Found And Shared Instantly

Friend looks so much like the model on the coloring pencil box.

23 Insanely Rare Things People Found And Shared Instantly

Found a Swedish krona from 1667 in my backyard.

23 Insanely Rare Things People Found And Shared Instantly

This fake flower is actually a willow tree tricked by a small fly to build it a house.

23 Insanely Rare Things People Found And Shared Instantly

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