22 Hilarious Tweets That Just Sum Up The Life Of Millennials In Their 30s
Can you feel that midlife crisis approaching?
Are you in your 30s? Must be a millennial then and we really hope that you don’t experience any sort of back pain or mid-life crisis. But in case that you do, these tweets must be representing your very life right now.
Whether you are single with no kids or married with several kids, being a millennial at its 30 in 2020 is certainly… something. Green Lemon thinks it’s all about having enough motivation to be something you promised yourself years ago (assuming you still remember what it was)!
1. Yeah… about that home.

2. Have a kid, they say. It’ll be fun, they say.

3. TikTok got me in my 30s like:

4. When you thought acne age.

5. Yet, you live with him until way beyond your 20s.

6. And then there’s me.

7. Lactose what?

8. When hungover reminds you of your age.

9. In my 40s: Son, can you play that song-

10. Tag yourself, I’m the puppy.

11. How dare you define me?!

12. Mood.

13. And still writes the date as 2019.

14. That backpain.

15. On Tinder: I have trauma of pineapples on pizza.

16. You’re on your own.

17. B**ch, you better take me seriously.

18. Me: why do anyone want kids.

19. And proceeds to write in 280 characters why you are lazy and pessimistic in life.

20. And then woken up by kids at midnight.

21. Techie doesn’t relate.

22. I’m actually happy to hear that. It makes me different (aka weird) from others.