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22 Hilarious Times People Are Duped By Baffling Pics


22 Hilarious Times People Are Duped By Baffling Pics

They are not what you think they are.

‘Confusing Perspective’ subreddit is a popular place where people let themselves be bamboozled with tricky perspective and angle. Replacing heads with familiar animals and pretending to have bent limbs in weird angles, it’s a real challenge to see what is really in the picture.

At more than 1.3 million members, not every one of them is challenging. Here are the most recent 22 that we’ve curated for readers of Green Lemon. Scroll on!

“That’s not her bu*t.”

22 Hilarious Times People Are Duped By Baffling Pics

“Stop! What the heck are you doing over there! This is not a public toil… Oh, never mind.”

22 Hilarious Times People Are Duped By Baffling Pics

“A well-dressed Alpaca.”

22 Hilarious Times People Are Duped By Baffling Pics

“F-off, three times…lol. this is how media manipulate the things.”

22 Hilarious Times People Are Duped By Baffling Pics

“This guy’s bag looks like someone sleeping.”

22 Hilarious Times People Are Duped By Baffling Pics

“Seagull swooping in on it’s helpless prey.”

22 Hilarious Times People Are Duped By Baffling Pics

“The father has style.”

“Low budget Bookie Monster reading a magazine.”

22 Hilarious Times People Are Duped By Baffling Pics

“What the heck twizzlers.”

22 Hilarious Times People Are Duped By Baffling Pics

“Schrödinger’s cat.”

22 Hilarious Times People Are Duped By Baffling Pics

“My nephew.”

22 Hilarious Times People Are Duped By Baffling Pics

“Big doggo.”

22 Hilarious Times People Are Duped By Baffling Pics

“Accidentally left London on pause. Whoops.”

“Looks like the person on this billboard had a rough day at work.”

22 Hilarious Times People Are Duped By Baffling Pics

“My counter top looks bumpy due to the sun coming through the blinds.”

22 Hilarious Times People Are Duped By Baffling Pics

“Bo*b or arm? Both?”

22 Hilarious Times People Are Duped By Baffling Pics

“Our security cam caught a bird mid-wing-flap such that it appears perched on my dads forge.”

22 Hilarious Times People Are Duped By Baffling Pics

“Eastern redbud looks out of focus.”

22 Hilarious Times People Are Duped By Baffling Pics

“Oil on canvas, 2048 x 1096. (Satire)”

22 Hilarious Times People Are Duped By Baffling Pics

“Playing with toy planes.”

22 Hilarious Times People Are Duped By Baffling Pics

“My frozen windscreen.”

22 Hilarious Times People Are Duped By Baffling Pics

“Big cat in slender man arms.”

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