22 Stunning Cosplays That Are Truly Spot-On
So creative!
Cosplay or costume play is a very creative event that gets people’s creativity and dedication to show. Most people will order a premade costume online and wear them during the event. But these people don’t want that – they want to be different from others, and they seriously nailed it.
Here are some of the best costume ideas you will absolutely love, from a cat scratcher to a windy guy!
This group of people cosplayed as the goth group from south park.

Little Aang Cosplay.

Brigitte Goudz cosplaying as Wonder Woman.

My friend’s Halloween costume as Yin and Yang.

Years ago I posted a pic of my Dad and I, people said we resembled Lee and Clem so we cosplayed them.

Hermione Granger cosplay!

I spent an hour this morning turning my hair into a Christmas tree for a costume contest at work. I have no shame. I won!

Genius and well-executed!

Che Guevara T-shirt cosplay.

A group of people dressed up as Roller Coaster riders.

Vincent Vega.gif cosplay.
Black and white Halloween.

I had cancer during my senior year and dressed up as Prof. Squirrel after shaving my head.

Disabled boy owned Mad Max cosplay.

Because a lot of girls like to be sexy cats.

Pixelated Mosaic makeup.

Toy soldier.

No wind involved.

He may only have one leg. But he always has the best Halloween costumes.

Peter Pan and his shadow.

French Kiss.

Weatherman’s Halloween costume.