21 Pics That Show The Wasteful Passengers You Can Find Onboard
These flight passengers adapted, improvised, and overcome.
Shawn Kathleen has seen a lot of things in her long career as a flight attendant. Nobody loves getting stuck in a plane for hours, but since we’re all in similar pain, we can always understand each other and not be a pain, right?
Wrong. this ex-flight attendant managed to take pictures when she happens on passengers who were showing their weirdness in these flights. She started ‘Passengers Shaming’ account where pictures of people who just can’t keep themselves in check are captured. We’re talking about gross, weird and simply unacceptable behaviors where people don’t have a choice but to put up with.
Green Lemon found some of the worst and pray you don’t have to meet them on your next flight.
1. Hope everyone has got their fair share of sleep before this.

2. Because you have to be lying down to sleep. And those toes!

3. Getting ready to have a comfortable sleep. Can’t blame him.

4. Some people think it’s a free real-estate to do whatever you want.

5. Forgotten wig.

6. Love the beach so much it’s painful (to the other passengers’ eyes).
7. How to get creative and comfortable.

8. Ew, we don’t have to see this, do we.

9. A pregnancy test… No, it’s negative.

10. Can’t look the worst even in the middle of a flight.

11. Artificial nails, ew!

12. …assuming anyone is willing to.

13. When you wanna have a good, warm pizza in flight:

14. What is going on in here?

15. Getting a haircut done, ew, no!

16. Someone forgets to crank up the aircon.

17. Please remember to get your belongings including your false teeth.

18. Unruly kids with crayons.

19. What is this, a trip to Jumanji?

20. When an emergency comes, he’ll be our mat.

21. Makeshift tent to create a personal space.