People Are Pointing Out The Best Movies With Unhappy Endings, And Whew, It Left Me In Tears
Something about bad endings that keep us grounded.
Some of the most beautiful stories are also the ones that just tear us apart from the inside. But at the same time, we can’t help but feel how they change our perspectives, even just a little, in life. They’ve also affected us and remain vivid memories, and you can’t deny calling them the best movies ever.
You know, if you decide to watch these this weekend, make sure to have a box of tissues with you. You know what’s coming! Definitely, spoilers ahead if the heading isn’t obvious enough, but even if you’ve been spoiled, these are movies you want to give at least one chance.
The Green Mile (1999)

“My friends and I watched this movie. It’s with Tom Hanks, and we knew it would be sad. But hell, we were all sobbing the whole movie and cried in the end. Great movie, but would never watch again.” – a3rt3m1s
Dead Poets Society (1989)

“That beautiful film was warning us about toxic masculinity 30-plus years ago.” – ConsiderationSea1347
“Incredible movie that introduced me to Robin Williams’ more serious acting. I cried seeing him crying at the end when he heard the news, and another round when he left the class at the end.” – Nafeels
Atonement (2007)

“My mum cries at the mere mention of this film and it has been years since she watched it.” – Reddit
“This is my answer. Brilliant performances all around. Heartbreaking, gutwrenching ending.” – cleanyourmirror
Pan’s Labyrinth

“I feel like it did have a happy ending. She protected the baby, past the test of the higher beings, and like ascended to their heaven council and escaped the horrors of her wartime life. Just my opinion tho.” – internetV
A Star Is Born (2018)

“His death wasn’t a surprise if you’ve seen any of the other movies, and Ally’s final ballad is totally heart-wrenching, so it’s totally appropriate for people to get teary as she sings his farewell song. BUT the moment that I did not see coming was when the camera cut directly from Ally’s performance to Jackson singing it for her at the piano for the very first time. I just didn’t see that transition coming at all, and it really hit me.” – spenceralthouse
Grave of the Fireflies (1988)

“I had always heard about how powerful of a movie it was, so when it was re-released in theaters a couple years ago my boyfriend and I went and saw it for the first time. I’m so grateful that we were the only two people in the theater because I have never cried so ugly in my life. My boyfriend said between sobs “It should be illegal to make something so sad” So yeah 10/10 will never watch again.” – ChristopherPlumbus
Stand By Me (1986)

“I was depressed to find out almost all of the kids grew up to have their lives derailed. When he types, ‘I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was 12. Jesus, does anyone?’ in the typewriter, that one hit me so hard.” – MTVChallengeFan
Seeking a Friend for the End of the World (2012)

“What I loved was how subtly and gradually it changed. Started out really funny. Ended much more serious. Can’t place when it’s tone changed because it did so so slowly.” – davidmac1993
“I went to the theater to see a Steve Carell comedy and came home with a lifelong existential crisis.” – -kilgoretrout-
“I wouldn’t be surprised if it becomes a cult classic one day.” – 8_bit_brandon
Marley and Me (2008)

“I got this movie and thought Jennifer Aniston and Owen Wilson, a comedy! Needless to say, when Marley died, I cried so hard that I had snot coming out my nose.” – tutorgurl07
Cast Away (2000)

“As sad as it is that he doesn’t end up with her, I love it because it’s much more realistic.” – tpierce071
Requiem for a Dream (2000)

“One of my favorite movies. Each character descends into their own kind of drug hell. It’s a beautiful train wreck you can’t look away from.” – KIller Charm
La La Land (2016)

“I really thought they would end up together. I cried for three days straight.” – ashcash532
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2014)

“Underrated movie. It’s a sad ending when you realize that if you forget all your mistakes, you’re just going to make them all over again, and living with the pain is inevitable.” – Annual_Rooster5678
Brokeback Mountain (2005)

“I cried through the whole night the first time I watched it. Especially the scene where Ennis looks at the pic of Brokeback and their shirts, and he says, ‘Jack, I swear…’ My heart broke.” – chi_is_on_mars
The Time Traveler’s Wife (2009)

“How heartbreaking when he comes out of the forest, and she races out to see him. Always trying to catch a moment with a lost loved one is almost worse than just being able to move on.” – Seanathan65
Seven (1995)

“Perfect ending. Brad Pitt put a clause in his contract that the studio couldn’t change the ending even if it didn’t test well. That movie would have sucked if the ending were any different. Well played, Brad, well played.” – juliango
The Boy in the Striped Pajamas (2008)

“I watched that with a friend at their insistence. I was sobbing throughout. Completely inconsolable. I will never watch it again. I don’t think my heart can take it.” – Eormet
“Cried like a baby at the end. Great movie though, and very eye-opening.” – BlackCloudWrecker
Gone Girl (2014)

“What’s scary is that the book ending is infinitely more f***ed up. Movie Amy is tame compared to Book Amy.” – Paddock9652
“Saw this in the theater, and there was dead silence after the end.” – YogiAU
Queen & Slim

“Although tragic, the ending is powerful because it’s much more realistic in today’s world than if Queen and Slim had gotten away. I also appreciated that the funeral scene is included in the end. IRL, many people argue about who was in the wrong based on what they saw on the news, but real families and friends are grieving lost loved ones. Such a poignant and timely movie.” – sweetpeaprincess
Gladiator (2000)

“That’s what gets me. He tries so hard and is only really whole when he’s with his family.” – arkayer
“It’s kind of a sad ending, but probably the only ending Maximus would have wanted after the death of his wife and kid.” – HacksawJimDGN
Bridge to Terabithia (2007)

“Not fun fact: The story is based on a true story that happened to the author’s son and his friend. The girl in real life died from being struck by lightning, but the publishers thought that was too fantastical so it was changed to drowning. Then, the son of the author grew up and wrote the screenplay for the film based on his childhood.” – Anti-waxxer