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20 Random Acts Of Kindness That Restore Faith In Humanity


20 Random Acts Of Kindness That Restore Faith In Humanity

People extending their hands for others.

It is so much easier to go through the day without expecting much from people. People are self-centered, egotistic creatures who’ll prioritize their self-interest before anyone else. But is that all people sum up to?

‘Human Being Bros’ is a subreddit dedicated to acts of kindness by people for others. Whether that’s a bird that hurt its wing or a man propping a sign to remind people they should live just one more day, people can be very kind. Without incentive and compensation, even if they could be for the sake of self-gratification, people can be kind towards others.

Prepare some tissues and scroll on.

1. BBC Dynasties crew rescues trapped penguins by digging a few steps. “I know it’s natural, but it’s bloody hard to watch,” one of the crew commented.

20 Random Acts Of Kindness That Restore Faith In Humanity
BBC Earth

2. “Dr. Fauci is salt of the earth. Exhibit #103207”

20 Random Acts Of Kindness That Restore Faith In Humanity

3. “Now that’s a good company!”

20 Random Acts Of Kindness That Restore Faith In Humanity

4. “This guy being a true boss.”

20 Random Acts Of Kindness That Restore Faith In Humanity

5. “I needed this.”

20 Random Acts Of Kindness That Restore Faith In Humanity

6. “A Reddit stranger drove two hours and used his drone to recover Meadow, who was lost in the woods for 10 days.”

20 Random Acts Of Kindness That Restore Faith In Humanity

7. “The World needs more Abduls.”

20 Random Acts Of Kindness That Restore Faith In Humanity

8. “A woo woo train.”

9. “Found this lil’ fella in our bedroom today. She was in shock and breathing heavily.”

20 Random Acts Of Kindness That Restore Faith In Humanity

10. “This incredible 11-year-old collects diapers for those in his community that cannot afford them. This is an interaction with a woman who came to donate $200 and used to be homeless.”

20 Random Acts Of Kindness That Restore Faith In Humanity

11. “Street vendor who walks 6 kilometers daily just to sell candies in the streets asks bike shop every day if he could get a bike for $40 (original price is significantly higher). Shop owner gives him the bike for free instead.”

20 Random Acts Of Kindness That Restore Faith In Humanity

12. “This high school student wanted to inspire others. Now he’s going to Stanford.”

20 Random Acts Of Kindness That Restore Faith In Humanity

13. “I wish more people are like her!”

20 Random Acts Of Kindness That Restore Faith In Humanity

14. “So glad that people like this exist to help those considering suicide.”

20 Random Acts Of Kindness That Restore Faith In Humanity

15. “More places should do this.”

20 Random Acts Of Kindness That Restore Faith In Humanity

16. “This is an emergency hug.”

20 Random Acts Of Kindness That Restore Faith In Humanity

17. “Dude wakes up from coma to find his respiratory therapist is a metal musician he’s a fan of. The guy sends him free merch and has the rest of his band come visit. (Pre pandemic)”

20 Random Acts Of Kindness That Restore Faith In Humanity

18. “I am a teacher. I am also Jewish. I received this message today from a student after my introductory lesson on the Holocaust.”

20 Random Acts Of Kindness That Restore Faith In Humanity

19. Rest in peace.

20 Random Acts Of Kindness That Restore Faith In Humanity

20. Losing her hair from chemotherapy, she was getting her hair shaved when he mother surprised her by also shaving her hair as a gesture of support.

20 Random Acts Of Kindness That Restore Faith In Humanity

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