20 Pics That Completely Fooled People With Their Timing And Perspective
Wait… what? Hold on… Huh?!
These pictures are amazing, not because of the clarity or gorgeous view. But because of the coincidental moments that met when the cameraman clicked on the shutter button. Some of these were unique perspectives that made us wonder if they were edited or just perfectly timed!
Most of these confusing pictures found their way to the subreddit ‘Confusing Perspective,’ where people race to confuse each other with their pictures. Scroll for some jaw-dropping pictures that’ll confuse the heck out of you!
“My brother sent me a photo from the ski hill. It was my desktop background for week before I realized it was upside down.”

“Today on my walk through Philly, camouflaged building.”

“It looked like this car was holding up a light post.”

“Baby takes leg day seriously.”

“Clouds get tired too.”

“This mirror placement makes it look like the second car has a white trunk.”

“Nearly had a heart attack when Ring notified me that there was a person at my front door.”

“Time to feed the llama-woman.”

“Shaved the cat’s arm.”
“Wife has fallen asleep beneath the paper. This freaked me out for a second.”


“Floating cat? Or cat on a floating shelf?”

“Baby hand.”

“This was parked outside my apartment.”

“Whose head is that?”

“This guy’s bag looks like someone sleeping.”

“Was watching MTV Catfish and the doorbell rang so I paused the show. When I came back, I thought someone had put a mirror over my screen!”

“Two photos or one?”

“Just a weird perspective.”

“These limes look like they’re floating.”