20 Pics Of Nature That Can Make You Feel Surprised And Scared At The Same Time
Never stop asking ‘what if’!
The wonder of nature can be seen in many things. One of them is the natural process of how living organisms function, such as foraging, hunting, nest-building, etc. Never stop asking questions because you can never be short of things to learn, even from seemingly mundane and normal daily life occurrences.
Petrified wood from Queensland, Australia cut down, revealing turquoise opal inside it.

NASA once brought cats on a plane to test their skills in zero gravity.
This chimp has alopecia and reveals just how ripped they are.

A termite road (above) and an ants road (below) both protected by a row of their soldiers in a confrontation without fighting.
A time-lapse picture near beehives.

Seeds can grow inside a lemon.

Fully intact candy canes but empty because of the ants in the pantry.

An illustration of if we were to fit in as many earths into the sun – a million of them.

My M&M’s candies sank, leaving the Ms floating.

This Dr. Pepper has been exposed to sunlight for a while and turned grey.

Ants broke and turned this almond into flour.

Leave a piece of glass in the sea for a while and it’ll look like this.

Forgot about this cantaloupe for a whole season inside the fridge.

You can see the glow around banana’s black spots with blacklight (UV or infrared).

Traveled from low to high and now it’s about to pop.

A camera that has been left in the sea for years.

This asphalt got struck by lightning.

A lightning strike the beach.

This is a book, it’s been eaten away by termites.

A hunting leopard creeps very low to keep their footsteps quiet.