20 People Who Compared Pics Of Past With The Present Showing How Fast Time Flies By
So much time flies by.
Thanks to the invention of the camera and film, people can store their memories in pictures. Even though people didn’t have digital ones like our smartphones have today, they still make all the effort to let one precious moment slip. Years and decades later, they went back to those old pictures to be reminded how much things have changed.
A precious memory of the past and a beautiful life has changed many things from the present time.
One year passed, and not a single thing has changed, except for the chonkiness.

My grandfather and I in Tokyo, 73 years apart.

Dad on the same location, 15 years ago and today.

My dad in 1985 and me in 2017.

Dad in his early twenties and me in my late teens.

About 23 years later, returned to the same spot for the same picture.

My musician parents, married for 45 years. They travel and play for nightclubs for two decades before adopting newborn baby me 32 years ago. They play in retirement homes, private parties, and local breweries nowadays.

On prom and wedding day, my Beaker is always next to me through thick and thin for the past 16 years. She’ll always be my favorite girl!

Mom in 1990 and me 30 years later.

Dad is from Madagascar and mom is Greek although born in Egypt. These pictures are taken 32 years apart: above is mom, bottom is me.

First day at the kindergarten about 30 years apart.

Two years apart, they grow up so fast!

My mom and me, 26 years apart on our wedding day.

A picture of my dad next to me wearing the same pair of glasses.

I found out that mom took the same picture on her college trip in 1991 as I did on my high school field trip in 2017.

This is mean with Belka in Texas and then my mom in 1969 with her dog Vika in the Soviet Union.

Dad and me.

My graduating 8 years ago and recently, my sister graduated.

Ten years apart, looks like nothing much changed.

Back in the ’80s, I love perm and scrunchies. Went back to that time for ’80s night in Edinburgh.