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20 Insanely Lucky People Who Couldn’t Express Their Happiness


20 Insanely Lucky People Who Couldn’t Express Their Happiness

Incredibly lucky it was almost illegal!

Some people are just so lucky in life that we can never explain the chances. We’ve probably won a giveaway or rolled in a first prize at a small lucky draw event. But what you’re going to see are things that absolutely blow people’s minds away. They could have lost their lives or become disabled if things had changed just slightly.

The cat knocked my daughter’s fish bowl off the dresser.

20 Insanely Lucky People Who Couldn't Express Their Happiness

He got his vision back.

20 Insanely Lucky People Who Couldn't Express Their Happiness

Man found the very bowl that inspired him 31 years ago into a woodturner at a vintage store.

20 Insanely Lucky People Who Couldn't Express Their Happiness

This is why you wear your protective gears.

20 Insanely Lucky People Who Couldn't Express Their Happiness

We were seconds away from losing our home to the California fire. Thank you to all the firefighters that saved our community!

20 Insanely Lucky People Who Couldn't Express Their Happiness

Watched the rocket launch from his airplane seat.

20 Insanely Lucky People Who Couldn't Express Their Happiness

The ultimate form of all avocado.

20 Insanely Lucky People Who Couldn't Express Their Happiness

She got bit by a shark.

20 Insanely Lucky People Who Couldn't Express Their Happiness

So close!

20 Insanely Lucky People Who Couldn't Express Their Happiness

His bad throw still nailed it.

20 Insanely Lucky People Who Couldn't Express Their Happiness

Nails between the toes.

20 Insanely Lucky People Who Couldn't Express Their Happiness

Onion rings upgraded.

20 Insanely Lucky People Who Couldn't Express Their Happiness

Very, very lucky.

20 Insanely Lucky People Who Couldn't Express Their Happiness

Was renovating house and found this safe.

20 Insanely Lucky People Who Couldn't Express Their Happiness

Kid learns the joy of jackpot.

20 Insanely Lucky People Who Couldn't Express Their Happiness

Car broke through guardrail, flew to the opposite side and did a barrel roll.

20 Insanely Lucky People Who Couldn't Express Their Happiness

This airplane seat!

20 Insanely Lucky People Who Couldn't Express Their Happiness

That bird hide the plate number from a police camera!

20 Insanely Lucky People Who Couldn't Express Their Happiness

Boss planned to give these to workers on Friday, but they all went home early. Except for one.

20 Insanely Lucky People Who Couldn't Express Their Happiness

Nothing like getting stuck before plunging to your death.

20 Insanely Lucky People Who Couldn't Express Their Happiness

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