20 Creative People Who Made Stunning Things From Scraps And Secondhands
Such amazing ideas and execution!
The materials to your amazing ideas might just be around you! Diving into a new hobby can be costly, but these handiworks prove that it doesn’t have to. People in the ‘Something I Made‘ subreddit shares things that they made out of daily things that aren’t used as much anymore. Thrifting also gave them access to so many affordable materials!
And we hope these things might inspire you to make something yourself. Or maybe they’ll make you feel better with how satisfying they look!
“I made a knife with a handle of old skateboard decks.”

“Found this cute fruity fabric and decided to make a cute summer milkmaid dress this week.”

“I made a dress out of the leaves in my garden. It was either this or raked them all up; seemed a shame for them to go to waste.”

“I made a removable collar out of a vintage sheet.”

“Spooky season is coming up!”

“I made a solar water fountain & planter out of an old water pump, a bucket, and a whiskey barrel!”

“Suncatcher made out of old CDs.”

“I made a denim jacket out of recycled jeans and some denim. I’m so proud!”

“I made a necklace out of mushrooms and lichen I collected myself. Took a lot of sanding, but I’m very happy with the results.”

“I made a dress out of old thrifted lace curtains and scrap lining!”

“I made a ring for my upcoming wedding out of one of my old cymbals.”

“I make wallets out of old baseball gloves so I decided to do something with the scraps.”

“I made this topaz pendant out of wire.”

“I made a donkey from an old fur jacket.”

“A bit impractical but I made a dress out of plastic bags.”

“Deer head sculpture made out of old car parts and random gears.”

“Rug I made out of old jeans. It was fun, I want to make another!”

“I made my girlfriend a dress out of Pottery Barn Star Wars sheets.”

“Milkmaid dress I made out of old bedding! – bedding was going to be thrown out because had lots of holes in it, but thought I’d nab it and make something.”

“Making plant pots out of milk bottle tops using turned aluminum molds.”