19 Amazing Things Non-Idol About South Korea That’ll Make You Want To Stay
They have more than idols and kimchi here.
Every time the subject of South Korea pops up, a lot of people relate it to the boy and girl groups or the food kimchi. While those things are really popular, this country has way more than that and when you’ve been there you’ll feel it.
It’s a beautiful country that embraces its culture up to this day. In addition to that, there are some things that are pretty common in South Korea, but not everywhere else. And now, we want to experience these things!
The cakes in South Korea comes with free candles and matches in their plastic cake knife.

Kid’s urinals have robot heads on them, this one is in Incheon, South Korea.

Pump toothpaste, one pump for the perfect amount of toothpaste.

Banana vending machine that also sells banana cases.

‘Adventure Time’ milk biscuits you can’t find in the States!

Emergency gas masks, water bottles and first-aid kits are available in subway stations.

A placeholder for pregnant women on public transit.

Safety line lines in hotel rooms in case of an emergency.

Spicy chicken toothpaste.

Vending machine for flowers in Seoul.

They have libraries in Metro.

Hidden ice-cream cafe has vending machine as its door.

Drinks with two straw holes at the movies.

This is a self-service drink stand and people can leave money in the teapot after taking a drink.

Yeah, bolognese spaghetti flavored Pringles.

Braille on soda cans for the blind, so they know what type of soda it is.

Koreans love karaoke, you can even find a booth between bus terminals.

In self-pump gas stations, they have ‘de-electrification’ pads to get rid of static electricity before pumping.

Sakura-theme Coca-Cola.