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15 Viral Riddles That Will Make You Think Outside The Box


15 Viral Riddles That Will Make You Think Outside The Box

Time to brainstorm!

Riddles, a favorite for kids and adults all the same. They help kick start your probably sleepy brain to solve unusual questions and ‘cases.’ Where did she go? What did that kid do? Why is this possible? These classic riddles pack all kinds of mysteries and have been pretty viral worldwide.

Scroll on and see how many you can answer correctly. It’s not just about being smart, but how well your inquisitive mind can think outside the box and read between the lines of the riddles themselves. Some of the answers are simply a play on words that’ll definitely make you smile.


15 Viral Riddles That Will Make You Think Outside The Box


15 Viral Riddles That Will Make You Think Outside The Box


15 Viral Riddles That Will Make You Think Outside The Box


15 Viral Riddles That Will Make You Think Outside The Box


15 Viral Riddles That Will Make You Think Outside The Box


15 Viral Riddles That Will Make You Think Outside The Box


15 Viral Riddles That Will Make You Think Outside The Box


15 Viral Riddles That Will Make You Think Outside The Box


15 Viral Riddles That Will Make You Think Outside The Box


15 Viral Riddles That Will Make You Think Outside The Box


15 Viral Riddles That Will Make You Think Outside The Box


15 Viral Riddles That Will Make You Think Outside The Box


15 Viral Riddles That Will Make You Think Outside The Box


15 Viral Riddles That Will Make You Think Outside The Box


15 Viral Riddles That Will Make You Think Outside The Box


#1- Mary

#2- It’s the day of her eleventh birthday.

#3- She is playing chess with Katy.

#4- They were born in different years.

#5- E,N,T O=One, T=Two,T=Three, F=Four, F=Five, S=Six, S=Seven, E=Eight, N=Nine, T=Ten

#6- I’m an echo.

#7-7: I,V,X,L,C,D and M

#8- He used rocks to spell out SOS.

#9-The 2 mothers were a grandma and a mom , so they were grandma, mom and daughter.

#10- Startling









#11- Sunday

#12- The C= the sea

#13- It’s your hair color, you are driving the bus.

#14- An envelope

#15- Your eyes

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