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14 People Share Harsh Realities In Life That No One Actually Accepts


14 People Share Harsh Realities In Life That No One Actually Accepts

It is what it is.

Life is never fair; that’s just the fact. We were never born on the same level, no matter how hard people fight for ‘equality.’ Some people were born with disabilities, some had genes prone to serious medical conditions. It’s sad, but this thread on Reddit really open our eyes to some surprisingly peaceful revelations about this world.

The harshest pill to swallow is meant to help you get better. They might taste bitter at first, but they’ll let you know that it’s not always your fault. Or that the problems you face aren’t necessarily impossible to solve. It would help if you had a different perspective.


“Beauty and money matter a lot. The world is nicer to rich and beautiful people.”chotu_fascistbaby

14 People Share Harsh Realities In Life That No One Actually Accepts


“You don’t always keep the good friends you meet. But that doesn’t mean you can’t make more later on down the road!”viking162

Wonderin When Our Stars Will Meet Again Mxmtoon GIF - WonderinWhenOurStarsWillMeetAgain Mxmtoon BonIver GIFs


“Most successful people are lucky more than they are skillful. It’s about right time, right place and right person.”Hobojoe-

Wally West Right Place GIF - WallyWest RightPlace RightTime GIFs


“Beauty matters in how people treat people.”NakedKittyAlucard

14 People Share Harsh Realities In Life That No One Actually Accepts


“Bad things will happen to you for no reason.”Burnt_Smurf

Gina Rhoc GIF - Gina Rhoc ItIsWhatItIs GIFs


“You’re the bad guy in someone’s story, so many of your enemies will never admit to doing anything wrong, but the thing is neither will you in some situations. People justify their own behavior to themselves. That’s why so many people can’t apologize and double down on the shitty things they do.”the-salt-of-dungroon


“Some people just can’t be saved, you could give them every benefit in the world and they still could choose to throw it all away and you can’t do anything about it.”IfTimeCouldDie

Only God Can Help You Now Moz Mckellan GIF - OnlyGodCanHelpYouNow MozMckellan AnthonyAlabi GIFs


“More people need to understand the difference between lust and love. Lots of young people think they love their SO, but it’s really just lust. It takes hard emotions sometimes to figure out who you truly love. Like how some people don’t become religious until someone they truly cared about dies.

A friend of mine did something really dumb once and ended up in the hospital for two days. When he finally woke up, to his surprise, his girlfriend was there and was the only one there. Turns out she knew something was up when he wasn’t answering the phone; she found him at his apartment and called 911 and took off work for the next two days to stay with him in the hospital until he woke up. As you can imagine, the emotions of hearing that in-person hit him hard, and that’s when he found out how much he loved her.

It’s like how people become best friends after surviving something very difficult together. Yet most people today never get close to death, and people are simply friends because they were neighbors, perhaps.”

14 People Share Harsh Realities In Life That No One Actually Accepts


“Hard work doesn’t always pay off.”y_notavailable

Gave It A Go GIF - ITriedMyBest Best Effort GIFs


“Sometimes, YOU are the problem in a relationship. And if people keep on leaving you, it may well be your fault. Even if you don’t feel like it is.”xianaa

14 People Share Harsh Realities In Life That No One Actually Accepts


“Not everyone is going to like you, no matter how hard you try.”-eDgAR-

Truuu GIF - Haters ArianaGrande NotEveryoneWillLikeYou GIFs


“People have to want to change. Nothing you can do can make people change if they are resistant to it.”Ejsexton82


“That it’s more likely to succeed if born rich than if you born talented.”Reddit

14 People Share Harsh Realities In Life That No One Actually Accepts


“People can just simply fall out of love with you for no reason. You fretting about whether it’s you or something else or the investment is basically you giving them the reasons to strengthen the reason why they stopped loving you. When they could very much not have a reason at all, feelings and priorities can change.”Reddit

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