12 Hilarious Replies By The Most Brilliant Kids Of 2020 Ever
I will steal these answers.
Children are born with all kinds of personalities. And some of those kids are really outspoken about their opinions. Thanks to that personality, they can really talk about all kinds of things, even the ones that we never expected. Like explaining themselves how grandmas can really take up your study time when it’s not even their birthdays!
Oh well, Green Lemon has to give them for their amazing creativity and clarity in speaking.
At the subway, a woman with her 5-year-old girl. Mom said, “I have blue eyes just like the sky and you…?” to which her daughter replied, “Brown eyes like…”
Mom exclaimed, “Chocolate!” But the girl replied, “Meatballs.” © _UNESCO_K / Twitter
A boy, 5, told his dad, “I would love to grow up and rule the world, but I’ll probably just grow up to be another boring guy that works at a store for the average wage.” Time to get this boy Twitter. © lessprit / Twitter
A woman shared her 3-year-old boy’s conversation with a stranger man sitting next to him. The man asked what’s his name. Jake. Then he smiled and asked what Jake wants to be when he grows up. His answer?
“JAKE!” © My Story / VK

Son, 10, called his working mom and the first thing he asked was, “Mom, are you dead?” She almost choked on her tea at the question and replied, “No, why?” He gave the sweet answer, “Oh, nothing. It’s just that you haven’t called me.” © nuJazheGovorila / Pikabu
Mom bought a vacuum cleaner and her son, 4, has been vacuuming around the house with it. She woke up one morning to her son vacuuming while mumbling, “Geez, I have to pee but I also got to work…” © Palata № 6 / VK

Mom and dad are working together when their 7-year-old son came in to give a ‘presentation’. Of course, the parents said yes. He opened the first text that says, “I want to be a cat.” followed by the second page that says, “Why I want to be a cat:
1. Cats eat a lot.
2. Cats sleep a lot.
3. Cats don’t have to study.
4. Cats don’t have to pay rent.
5. Cats have 2-legged slaves.
6. Cats are cute.
The end.”
He ended the presentation by asking his parents, “So, can I be a cat and not go to school tomorrow?” © Palata № 6 / VK
A week ago, mom was feeling frustrated because her hairdresser cut her hair too short. So, 5-year-old daughter tried comforting her by saying, “Don’t worry, Mommy! I have a hair mask!” © My Story / VK
Son and dad got into a mission to get rid of a giant spider on the ceiling late at night. Son opened the window while dad used a mop to get it to jump out. As boy watched from a distance, the spider jumped out into a night… followed by the sound of screeching breaks. “Oops,” said both of them.
Son: Let’s kill it next time, okay? © 123mi / Pikabu

It’s grandma’s birthday and mom is congratulating her on the phone before the family visits them on the weekend. When dad asked if the son wants to congratulate her grandma, he said, “No, she always takes 30 minutes when speaking to me like it’s my birthday. And I want to go outside for a walk now.”
Meanwhile his classmate, “I tell her some grandmas poem so she’d cry and hang up.” © 31sulim99 / Pikabu
An honest fifth-grader told his teacher who helped him with his A-graded drawing. It wasn’t his parents. It was his sister. And she was 6. © Speranskaya / Pikabu
‘Mature’ son got on the stage for his kindergarten’s Christmas celebration and screamed, “Boys, these ain’t true! I just saw Santa’s beard in my dad’s garage!” Well, maybe TOO mature. © Palata № 6 / VK

A friend’s son did not start speaking until he was 5. Doctor’s test showed there’s nothing wrong, so maybe he was just slightly delayed with his speech. His ball was once taken away at the playground and he walked over, frustrated, to his mother. When his mom told him and he can and should take it back because it’s his, he answered, “I chickened out, mom.” © Palata № 6 / VK